Transferable Digital Notes Project

TDNSYS Operations Overview

It is very important to understand that we are not talking about payments, money transfers or other transactions performed with money. TDN operations are simply TDNSYS repository transactions, database inserts or updates. For example, changing the TDN Signature associated with a money amount. They do not involve accounts or physical entities.

Following operations can be performed with TDNs using the API exposed by the TDNSYS:

Public API Calls:

API Calls available only to the member banks: API Calls available only to the investigative authorities:

TDN Signature fields:

Issue timestamp 8 bytes
Random unique number 488 bytes
Value 16 bytes
Routing number optional, if the database is mirrored in multiple locations.

TDN status values:


TDN status transitions:

Transition Database Operation
Set to Active Set TDN status to Active when the TDN is issued
Active to Canceled Update TDN status to Cancel and set Cancelation Date
Active to Blocked Update TDN status to Blocked and set Blocked Date. Make an entry in the investigation log.
Cancel to Active NOT ALLOWED
Cancel to Blocked Update TDN status to Blocked and set Blocked Date. Make an entry in the investigation log.
Blocked to Active Update TDN status to Active. Make an entry in the investigation log.
Blocked to Canceled Update TDN status to Canceled and set Cancelation Date. Make an entry in the investigation log.

operations performed with TDNs.
The operations are based on the following specifications: Initial Issue, Redeem, Request Ownership, Split and Consolidation. If any of the transaction steps fails the transaction is rolled back and a fail message is sent to the parties involved in the transaction. operations can be performed using the CB Website or they can be automated by software/hardware systems. When multiple steps transactions are performed using Central Bank Website the transaction may not be rolled back.

Transaction Operation
1 The holder of a TDN transfers it to a new holder (payment or P2P)
  • The Payer providers the TDN Signature to the Payee and supplies the PIN is set.
  • The Payee validates the TDN
  • If the TDN is valid and has an Active status the Payee requests the ownership of the TDN from CB TDNSYS
  • The Payee sets the PIN or PKI (optional).
See Website Transactions for an example of a transaction performed using the Central Bank website.
2 Request for validation. A TDN is sent to CB TDNSYS. TDNSYS returns the status and value of this TDN. If the request is made by an investigative authority TDNSYS returns all available information about the TDN.
API Call
See Website Transactions for an example TDN validation request performed using the Central Bank website.
3 The Central Bank issues a TDN at a Member Bank’s request. TDNSYS generate a new TDN for the requested value and returns it to the Bank. The Bank's reserve account with the Central Bank is debited for the TDN value.
API Call
See Issue TDN for details.
4 A Member Bank redeems a TDN value. TDNSYS sets the status of the TDN to CANCELED and credit the Bank's account for the TDN's value.
API Call
See Reedim TDN for details.
5 Bank customer withdraw a TDN from his/her account A customer of a bank can withdraw TDNs from his/her bank account using an ATM, on line banking website or an application.
API Call
See TDN Withdraw from Bank Account for details.
6 Bank customer deposits a TDN in his/her account A customer of a bank can deposit TDNs into his/her bank account using an ATM, on line banking website or an application.
API Call
See Deposit TDB in Banck Account for details.
7 TDN Split

API Call

See Split TDN for details.

8 TDNs consolidation

API Call

See Consolidate TDNs for details.

9 TDN Blocking

API Call
See Change TDN status for details.

10 Request TDN Ownership

This transaction reinforces the double spending prevention. This process is patent protected and there only a few details on the website.
API Call
See Get TDN Ownership for details.

