When a transaction is performed TDNSYS sets or changes the
status of a TDN to Active
or Canceled as appropriate. There are situation when an investigation of a TDN
is granted and an authorized authority may change the status of the TDN to Blocked.
When the status of a TDN is Blocked the validation returns a message including the
reason for the investigation and the contact information of the investigative authority.
TDN status transitions:
Transition | Database Operation |
Set to Active | Set TDN status to Active when the TDN is issued |
Active to Canceled | Update TDN status to Cancel and set Cancelation Date |
Active to Blocked | Update TDN status to Blocked and set Blocked Date. Make an entry in the investigation log. |
Cancel to Active | NOT ALLOWED |
Cancel to Blocked | Update TDN status to Blocked and set Blocked Date. Make an entry in the investigation log. |
Blocked to Active | Update TDN status to Active. Make an entry in the investigation log. |
Blocked to Canceled | Update TDN status to Canceled and set Cancelation Date. Make an entry in the investigation log. |
A bank may investigate a TDN lost by one of its customers. A TDN is lost when the holder looses access to
the TDN Signature
due to some lost device, hardware or software failures or for whatever reason it does not have access to the place where
the TDN Signature
had been stored.
The bank who released the TDN as a withdrawn from the customer account may set the TDN
status to Blocked while is investigating the complaint.
The bank has records of the TDNs released to its customers and can identify the TDN Signature of the lost TDN.
If the
of a TDN is Active, and if it considers appropriate, the bank may reissues
the TDN to the customer who lost it. If the
of the TDN is Canceled it means
that the TDN has already been transferred, spited or concatenated into another TDN. In this situation the TDN
may be considered stolen or it may be very well be possible that the holder of the TDN used it and after that lost it.
If the holder of a TDN suspects that TDN was compromised
it may reissue it and the suspected compromised TDN can no longer be used.
Criminal investigation of TDN is more complex and besides tracing a TDN through the TDNSYS it may involved other criminal
investigative techniques.