Transferable Digital Notes Project

Website Transactions

A TDN enabled website uses the TDNSYS API to implement the functionality supporting TDN transactions. Websites require the user to manually handle the TDNs. The text representation of the TDN has to be cut and pasted in and from the website fields. Most digital devices have a webcam enabling the user to read a TDN barcode in a field. If the digital device is equipped with a smart card reader the process of inputting and outputting TDNs in and from the website fields can be automated.

The simplest web client is the Central Bank website supporting all TDNSYS TDN transactions. This is the basic process for performing TDN validation, split, consolidate, set or change a PIN or PKI or ownership request.

Websites Input Methods

The input method used when paying with a TDN on a internet store depends on how the buyer’s TDN is stored, what kind of input is supported by the payment webpage and if the buyer’s digital device has a webcam or a smart card reader.

The copy and paste method is used when the TDN Signature is stored in a file on the digital device file system. The buyer will copy the TDN Signature from the file and paste it in the payment field on the eCommerce webpage. The buyer has to keep track of the spent TDN. For example he/she can rename the TDN file from 'myTDN14.65.tdn' to 'myTDN14.65.spent' or if the file contains more than one TDN Signature write 'spent' next to the TDN Signature.

The buyer may have an application for TDN handling installed on his/her device. This application should be able to preform validation, split, consolidate, set or change a PIN or PKI, ownership request, deposit and withdraw TDNs from the buyer’s bank account, store and keep track of available and spent TDNs. The application will display (for copying) or insert in the clipboard the TDN Signature. The buyer will paste the TDN Signature in the appropriate field and press a button to complete the transaction.

The application may be able to print or display the TDN’s barcode. If the eCommerce site supports barcode input and the digital device accessing it has a webcam the buyer can use the TDN barcode to input the amount due. If the barcode is printed on the device screen obviously this has to be a different device than the one accessing the website.

See TDN Apps for more details about TDN management applications.

eComerce Websites

Online stores developers use the API TDNSYS to implement the payment process. The buyer will supply a TDN for the payment due and the seller will instantly take the ownership of the TDN. If the TDN is protected by a PIN or PKI it has to be removed before passing it to the seller. If the TDN value sent as the payment is larger than the payment the seller may refuse the payment or it may send back a TDN for the value of the change due.

Payments with TDNs do not require the buyer to have an account with the seller. There is one input operation necessary for the payment. This is much easier compared to the complicated process for inputting credit card information. The buyer will not be ‘locked’ with an eCommerce company because that company already has the payment information and there is no need to enter card information all the time.

After a payment is performed here is no payment information left on the seller’s system to be stolen by hackers. Of course the seller has the responsibility to secure the TDNs in its possession like any other TDN holder.

The Central Bank does not charge any fee for TDN transactions. The only cost a merchant will encounter when receiving payments in TDNs is for the development of a payment page and an application for handling TDNs. This cost is minimal. There is no need to have a company handle the payments and pay gees to this company and the credit cards. There is no need to collect and store customer data or create account numbers. The payments are anonymous. The TDN is available to the merchant immediately after receiving the payment.

A time necessary to build a TDN payment page into a website and the supporting software for managing the merchant’s TDN is very small. An application for managing TDN will not cost more than a few hundred dollars. For building a payment page and integrate it with such an application a professional programmer will spend 12 to 20 hours. Consulting fee for this kind of work rarely exceed $200/hour.

The buyer must be sure that the eCommerce site is legitimate. A payment to a fraudulent website may be recovered when using a credit card. When using TDNs the money is gone immediately the payment was processed. Fortunately the Central Bank requires merchants to register and request a digital certificate issued to them in order to receive TDN payments. This makes it easy to identify the vendor when the payment is made. This way any disputes can be handled by an authorized authority.

As long as the vendor's digital certificate is validated when the payment is made it can be said that online TDN payments are as safe as credit card payment with the advantage that there is no credit card number to be stolen and used fraudulently. Most likely TDN fraud prevention software will be developed making it safer to buy online using TDNs.

Central Bank Website

This website is implemented and maintain by the Central Bank. It supports all TDN basic transactions. Access to the website is not restricted and all transactions performed are anonymous. The Central Bank may collect all available information regarding a website access and store them in TDNSYS databases. For example the IP address of the machine accessing the website will most likely be stored in relation to the transaction requested, failed transactions traffic parameters, etc.

The website is part of the TDNSYS implemented by the Central Bank.

